On 5 April 2021 during our biweekly chapter meeting our discussion focused on the upcoming event Social Activism for Social Justice (SA4SJ). We have been planning this event for some time and have now decided that the event will be structured into 2 parallel sessions: one focused on unionizing/organizing in the workplace, and one focused on direct action and/or community engagement, protesting, etc. This second session is a little less clear to us and we are planning to narrow its focus and goals at the upcoming meeting. The sessions will be organized such that speakers/panels go first to motivate the two parallel breakout sessions. From these first sessions, attendees can decide which session fits them best.
Questions raised are: who is the audience and how many people will attend? We will get a registration up soon to gauge this, but first need to make some materials to advertise the event (flyers, a FaceBook page) and get speakers to commit. This also involves picking a specific date and time. For now, we are aiming for late May or early June. The next meeting will be focused on choosing speakers from who we have reached out to, solidifying the plan for the direct action/community engagement session, organizing the making of the advertising materials, and planning how to advertise the event (to whom? How?). If the event is late May, we need to start advertising in late April.
We also have decided that we want to try to have one more social event before SA4SJ to re-engage old members and engage new members that have yet to come to a meeting.