Scientists fighting for the future we want.
What is the role of science in society? What is the role of the scientist? Who is benefitting from science? How can we transform science into an emancipatory power organized around human needs?
Science does not exist in a vacuum. There are political, moral, philosophical choices that must be made in the practice and organization of science. That’s good news though! It means we can choose to fight for the future we want. Learn more.
Science has the potential to be a truly transformative, emancipatory power. As currently organized, it is too often yoked to the interest of elites. We must transform science into a democratic socialist endeavor organized around meeting human needs. Learn more
In terms of funding that the public provides, science mostly consists of.. developing weapons. Seriously. Everything you normally think of as science is short-changed so that we can have a bigger military budget and subsidize the profits of private companies in the war industry. Learn more